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exhibition of Andreas Fogarasi & Adrienn Mária Kiss

25 June – July 29, 2023

What happens when an artist voluntarily relinquishes full control over the outcome? Letting Do seeks to answer this question: it selects works that have been created in the course of the creative process by deliberately or deliberate outsourcing of the work. External, calculated influences may be the involvement of another artist in the realisation of a work, reflection as a modifying framework, or the involvement of artificial intelligence. Another recurring theme of the Letting Do duo exhibition is work, production, manufacturing, its historical and industrial context, and the problem of the artist as producer.

This frame of reference also reflects the industrial scale of the Torula space and the original factory function of the building. The exhibition includes works mainly from the second half of the decade, as well as works made specifically for the occasion. The comparative character of the duo exhibition: the two invited exhibitors, Andreas FOGARASI (1977) and Adrienn Mária KISS (1978), are stylistically different at close range, but share a common intersection in their creative working methods. On this basis, the exhibition is structured in four major units, groups of works.

Curator: Júlia Salamon

More info here .

Preview: 24th June, 2023 5pm

Opening by Katalin Tímár art historian,
curator at the Ludwig Museum.

On view 25 June - 29 July 2023.

Nyitvatartás: csütörtökön és pénteken 16.00 és 19.00, szombaton 11.00 és 16.00 között, illetve egyéb időpontban bejelentkezéssel a címen.

Kapcsolódó esemény:

Tárlatvezetés 2023. Július 21. (péntek) 17. 30

A kiállítás támogatói: Osztrák Kulturális Fórum, Vintage Galéria


Fotók: Simon Zsuzsi